Can Wine Really Make You Sleepy? We Have the Answers.

Can Wine Really Make You Sleepy? We Have the Answers.

It’s the end of a long day, and you’re ready to unwind with your favorite glass of wine. Shortly after you take your first few sips, you feel your taut muscles begin to loosen and you breathe a deep, satisfied sigh of relief. It doesn’t take long, however, for you to begin to feel a little lethargic – in fact, nothing sounds as delicious as crawling under the covers and nodding off. Is the wine to blame? We’ll explore if wine really does make you sleepy. Read more below!

Does Wine Make You Sleepier Than Other Forms of Alcohol?

The short answer is no. Alcohol, including wine, is a depressant, meaning that it will inhibit your central nervous system (CNS). Within 20 minutes, the decadent vino you just enjoyed enters your bloodstream and begins interacting with your CNS – in particular, your GABA-A receptors. These receptors will bind to gamma amino butyric acid (GABA) neurotransmitters, and through a complex reaction, your neurons will begin slowing down. That is what’s happening when you begin feeling drowsy and relaxed!

Red Wine vs. White Wine

Have you ever heard some people say that red wine makes them feel sleepier than white wine? They could possibly be onto something. Scientists have found that grape skins contain melatonin. This is the hormone that your brain produces after sunset to help maintain your circadian rhythm and sleep patterns.

As you know, wine is made from crushed grapes. What you might not know, however, is that red wine is often made from the entire grape. With white wine, grape skins are usually removed before the fermentation process occurs. Certain red wines such as barolo, cabernet sauvignon, and merlot have higher levels of melatonin.

Does this mean that red wines will send you straight to Slumber Land? Not particularly. The amount of melatonin present in red wine is much smaller compared to what an everyday melatonin supplement has (which is about 10,000 times as much). While you’ll no doubt feel more relaxed, your glass of wine really shouldn’t incur the kind of drowsiness a melatonin supplement provides.

The Final Consensus

So, does wine truly make you sleepy? Yes and no. Like we mentioned earlier, wine is an alcoholic beverage, and alcohol is classified as a depressant. But if you’re feeling particularly sleepy after a glass or so of wine, chances are it’s because you’re finally giving yourself permission to wind down after a long, stressful day.

Unwind with Chaumette

Whether you’re a fan of red or white, we have what you’re looking for. Find your next favorite bottle of wine at Chaumette Vineyards & Winery! Want to savor our award-winning wine year-round? Join our wine club!

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