Which Wine Should You Try Next According to Your Zodiac Sign?

Have you been in a bit of a wine rut lately? Are you having trouble choosing between venturing into new territory and sticking with your tried-and-true standbys? Why not mix it up a little bit with the help of your horoscope? Your zodiac sign can say quite a lot about your character – and now, perhaps, your wine choices as well. Find your sign below to see which wine fate may have in store for you next!
Aries (March 21 – April 19): Grüner Veltliner or Malbec
Aries is confident, competitive, adventurous, and not easily intimidated. You’re always ready to try new things and want to live freely and fearlessly. Meet your match in Grüner Veltliner or a rich malbec. Spicy and bold, the German Grüner Veltliner is a white wine that features light citrus flavors with a powerful punch. For a wine that’s as robust and red as your ruling planet Mars, malbec showcases an intense, surprising spice and acidity.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20): Burgundy or a Rhône Blend
You, Taurus, are a strong and grounded soul who has a penchant for creature comforts. Embrace your Earth sign and indulge in a luscious Rhône blend, a delicious wine that has notes of raspberry, rosemary, and oh-so-cozy lavender. Treat yourself to the complex yet delicate flavors of Burgundy on those days when you need a little pampering.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20):Pinot Grigio or Sauvignon Blanc
Witty, charming, curious, and lively, a Gemini is a little bit of everything. There are definitely two sides to your personality – you can be quite serious and dedicated, yet you also tend to be a social butterfly. We suggest trying the ever-vivacious pinot grigio, a refreshing, light, and uncomplicated wine that is as lovely as you. Sauvignon blanc, another white wine with herbaceous notes, is also a good choice for your diverse nature. Besides, “sauvignon” translates to “wild,” which makes this wine perfect for your expressive, fun-loving side.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22): Merlot or Moscato
Cancers are sentimental, nurturing people who love to give to others. The easy-going, always-approachable merlot could be a great wine for you to savor. Additionally, moscato, another popular wine that many adore, is sweet and soothing, just like you. Best of all, moscato tends to pair quite easily with a wide range of food, which matches your kind and welcoming personality.
Leo (July 23 – August 22): Syrah or Amarone
Lion-hearted Leos are hard to miss. They are larger than life and love the spotlight, yet their generous, charismatic nature draws many people to them. Match your personality with the rich, full-bodied syrah, a hardy wine with notes of dark fruit and an unforgettable flavor. If you want to feel like true royalty, try sipping on amarone, a rich dry wine full of character.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22):Champagne or Chardonnay
Virgos are loving and gentle, but they are also traditionalists at heart. If something works well, why go about the trouble of remaking it? Champagne, which adheres to the Traditional Method, celebrates the detail-focused, truth-loving nature of Virgo. In the same vein, chardonnay is a classic yet complex full-bodied vino that remains a constant favorite in the face of capricious trends, which is absolutely perfect for practical Virgo.
Libra (September 23 – October 22): Lambrusco or Riesling
Ever the diplomat, a Libra strives to keep the scales in balance. You are romantic, indulgent, and want to make everyone happy. Like you, Lambrusco is always a balanced people-pleaser, and this light, fizzy red wine works well with a wide array of foods. Of course, you can never go wrong with a delicious yet mellow Riesling, which always balances out the heat of your favorite spicy foods, just like your ability to calm fiery arguments.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21): Pinot Noir or Spanish Tempranillo
Mysterious, guarded, and passionate, Scorpios are perhaps the most misunderstood of all the zodiac signs. What better wine to drink than the complex yet deeply satisfying pinot noir? This dark, intense, elegant red wine is quite versatile and pairs well with nearly anything from a beautiful salmon platter to barbecued meats to your favorite Mexican dishes. Want to up the intensity? Try the spicy, smoky Spanish tempranillo, a complex, medium-bodied red that carries notes of cherry, dried fig, cedar, and sweet tobacco.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): Beaujolais Nouveau or Malbec
The fiery archers are anything but boring. Free-spirited, flexible, and philosophical, the Sagittarius is the life of the party with a strong sense of wanderlust. Beaujolais noueveau, a light, red wine, is truly a wine for the archer. French law demands that this wine is released on the third Thursday of November, when the grapes are ready for harvesting. Sound familiar? This is also the time when the sun moves into Sagittarius! If you’d rather scratch that globe-trotting itch, turn to the ever-approachable Argentinian malbec, which will light the flame of adventure within you. Smooth yet spicy, this bold wine will quench your thirst for deep thoughts and discussions late into the night.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19): Cabernet Sauvignon
If you’re a Capricorn, then you’re a down-to-earth yet ambitious soul. Serious, determined, and pragmatic, you’re disciplined and will do what it takes to reach your goals. Cabernet sauvignon grapes have a thick skin that allows them to thrive within a wide range – just like you, Capricorn. This full-bodied red takes a while to mature, but they last for a long time and just get better with age, much like a Capricorn.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 19): Chablis or Petit Verdot
Outgoing, cool, and quirky, an Aquarius shuns trends and marches to the beat of their own drum. That’s why chablis, a unique type of chardonnay from France, fits perfectly. It’s a light-bodied, citrusy wine that just doesn’t conform to the typical flavor profile that you’d expect from chardonnay. In the same way, the dark and fruity petit verdot plays well with others but can absolutely stand on its own with its enchanting notes of plum, sage, and lilac.
Pisces (February 20 – March 20): Rosé
Artistic and quirky, Pisces is a sweet and gentle sign with a serious romantic side. Why not choose the ever-dreamy, always-summer-somewhere rosé? This sweet, light-bodied wine is a popular crowd-pleaser like Pisces, and, depending on the type of grape it’s made with, its flavor can vary greatly. At the end of the day, this bright wine is a total winner for the charming Pisces.
Find Your New Favorite at Chaumette!
Enjoying incredible, award-winning wine is written in the stars for you when you choose Chaumette Vineyards & Winery. You’re sure to find a new favorite or two when you browse our diverse wine portfolio. Find your match here or learn more by calling us at (573) 747-1000!
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