Hidden Wine Benefits for Skin & Hair Health

By: Naomi Shaw
The health benefits of moderate wine consumption have been studied and accepted for many years. Wine (especially red) has been associated with lower incidents of heart disease and heart attacks, longevity, and improved brain health. One to two glasses per day also lowers your risk of strokes, diabetes, and colon cancer. If you’re looking for a natural remedy for hair and skin issues, your wine selection can offer solutions as well. Paired with a lovely meal, a glass of wine can improve your mood and help you live longer in a healthier state.
As with anything, there are wine varieties that work better depending on health issue you are trying to tackle. Knowing your wine can help with more than just food pairings if you pay attention.
Hair and Skin Health
“Red wine is packed with antioxidants like flavonoid, resveratrol and tannin which help fight aging by restoring collagen and elastic fibers”, Delhi-based nutritionist, Anshul Jaibharat, shared with the NDTV Food website.
In short, red wines can help you age better. Whether consumed or mixed as part of an at-home DIY facial, red wines can help improve your skin’s elasticity and diminish wrinkles. There’s a miracle facial ingredient in every bottle.
If aging skin problems aren’t yet on your radar, never fear. Red wine is also helpful for eliminating acne because of its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Apply topically as an astringent to get the best results.
If you’re fighting dandruff or hair loss, wash with red wine after conditioning and rinse. Red wine promotes blood circulation which can help you deal with those pesky scalp conditions.
A Finish study of nearly 2500 men followed wine, beer, and other spirit-drinkers over almost 30 years. Wine drinkers had a 34% lower mortality rate. A small Spanish study found a link between improved heart health and the alcohol in wine and grapes. The grapes and wine improved the inflammation and plaque on artery walls in the heart. When you’re heart is healthier, you longevity can follow.
Red wine contains many nutrients that have been studied in detail. For instance, a 16-year study of heart disease patients looks at moderate drinkers vs. non-drinkers. This Harvard School of Public Health study found that drinkers have a 30% lower chance of heart attack.
A 12-year study by researched at Amsterdam’s VU University Medical Center found moderate wine drinkers are 30% less likely to develop Type-2 diabetes.
More recently, a 4-year study by researchers at Stony Brook University found that moderate wine consumers are 45% less likely to develop colon cancer.
It’s important to keep in mind that while the health benefits of a glass or two of wine with your meal have been well documented, all wines are not created equally. Foreign produced products can often contain more sugar which leads to a higher calorie content with your meal. Excessive consumption can undo any positive health benefits.
A glass of wine a day can help keep poor health a bay. But always drink responsibly and moderation is the key to excellent health.
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