Edible Foraging Walk & Cooking Demonstration at Chaumette

An Edible Foraging Walk & Cooking Demonstration
with Chaumette’s Catering Chef Ryan Maher
(& owner of Missouri Wild Edibles)
Sunday, August, 3rd, 2014
$20 registration fee; (includes shuttle & lunch)
Please register at pmatthews@pulitzerarts.org.
Questions: Pulitzer Foundation (314) 754-1850.
Join Chaumette Catering Chef Ryan Maher and internationally renown artist Tattfo Tan
for a foraging walk through the woods of Chaumette Winery’s 310 acres.
Guests will be invited to use an herbarium press of Tattfoo Tan’s design
to collectively create an artistic representation of the foraging experience.
Following the walk, Chef Ryan will host a cooking demo
with foraged ingredients at The Barn at Chaumette with lunch.
9 am ~ depart from Pulitzer Arts Foundation
3716 Washington Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63108
10am ~ foraging walk, herbarium press, cooking demo, lunch
at Chaumette Vineyards & Winery in Ste. Genevieve, MO 63670
2pm ~ return to Pulitzer Foundation, in St. Louis
about Chef Ryan, Owner Missouri Edibles:
Chef Ryan forages all over the U.S. for wild plants, with a particular specialty in mushrooms.
His clients include Chaumette Winery and top chefs in St. Louis.
about Tattfoo Tan:
Tattfoo Tan’s art practice seeks to find an immediate, direct and effective way of exploring issues related to the individual in society, through which we collapse the categories of ‘art’ and ‘life’ into one.
about Pulitzer Arts Foundation & Marfa Dialogues StL:
Marfa Dialogues / STL is an examination of artistic practice, climate change science, and civic engagement taking place July 30 through August 3, 2014 in St. Louis. A collaboration between Pulitzer Arts Foundation, Ballroom Marfa and the Public Concern Foundation, Marfa Dialogues / St. Louis will feature over 20 Program Partners with a spectrum of installations, performances, workshops, and interdisciplinary discussions to examine climate change solutions in the Midwest.
Marfa Dialogues / St. Louis is supported by the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation. www.stl.marfadialogues.org.
See Chef Ryan here on Fox 2 talking about the event.
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